1) All Businesses  - A menu link to bring you back to the main Business Directory Page.

2) My Favorite - A menu link to your favorite businesses.

3) My Following - A menu link to the businesses you are following.

4)  My Businesses - A menu link to your registered businesses.

5)  Business Profile Logo - Your business image can be a jpeg, jpg or png image.

6) Your Business Like Button - This is what you want your customers to click on.

7)  Business Directory - A menu link to all listings in the directory.

8)  Business Name - A menu link to the specific business listed.

9)  Visual Review Rating -  Average star rating between 1 and 5 stars. 

10)  Members - Shows the numbers of Members for this business page.

11)  Followers - Shows the number of Followers for this business page.

12)  Reviews - Shows the number of Reviews for this business page.

13)  Edit Business Page Icon - This is the button you click on to edit this business page.

14)  Download Icon - The ability to download a PDF of this business.

15)  Print Button - The ability to print this business summary information.

16)  Title of Business

17)  Address of Business

18)  Category of Business

19)  Business Size

20) Name of Business

21)  Hours of Operations

22) Phone Number of Business

23)  Email Address of Business

24)  Map Location of Business

25)  Overview - A menu link to the overview of the business.

26)  About Us - 

27)  Contact Us - 

28)  Activities - 

29)  Members - A menu link to the members page for this business

30)  Followers - A menu link to the followers page for this business.

31)  Reviews - A menu link to the review page for this business.

32)  Photo - A menu link to the photo page for this business.

33)  Blogs - A menu link to the blogs page for this business.

34)  Coupons - A menu link to the coupons page for this business.

35)  Events - A menu link to the events page for this business.

36)  Jobs - A menu link to the jobs page for this business.

37)  Marketplace - A menu link to the marketplace page for this business.

38)  FAQ - A menu link to the FAQ page for this business.

39)  Likes - Number of members who like this business.

40)  Add to Compare - A menu link to compare several businesses.

41)  Share  - A menu link to share this business.

42)  Follow  -  A menu link to follow this business.

43)  Favorite - A menu link to favorite this business.

44)  Promote Business - A menu link to promote this business.

45)  Report Business - A menu link to report this business.

46)  Transfer Owner - A menu link to Transfer this business.

47)  Manage Business - A menu link to Manage this business.

48)  Check-in Here - A menu link to Check-in.

49)  Invite member - A menu link to Invite members.

50)  Check-In - Number of members who check in for this business.

  • July 31, 2017
  • 0 Comment(s)
Category: Business Directory
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